Visi : “Menjadi pusat rujukan informasi ilmiah terkait isu kesehatan mental dalam berbagai konteks komunitas”
Misi : –
Sherly Saragih Turnip, S.Psi., M.Phil., Ph.D., Psikolog
Nathanael Elnadus Johanes Sumampouw, S.Psi., M.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog
- Melakukan setidaknya satu kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat setiap tahun.
- Mendapatkan setidaknya dua HKI/Paten dari hasil penelitian dan pengabdian setiap tahun.
- Mempublikasikan setidaknya satu artikel di jurnal internasional terindeks Scopus setiap tahun.
- Menyelenggarakan satu kegiatan seminar/webinar internasional setiap tahun.
- Mendapatkan pendanaan internasional untuk melaksanakan penelitian berskala besar.
Leung, J., Lim, C., Sun, T., Vu, G., McClure-Thomas, C., Bao, Y., … & Sebayang, S. K. (2024). Preventable Deaths Attributable to Second-Hand Smoke in Southeast Asia—Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. International Journal of Public Health, 69, 1-9.
Vitriyanti, Rozi, N. A., & Turnip, S. S. (2024). Prevalence of psychotic-like experiences and its predictors among early adolescents from rural areas in Indonesia. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 1-14.
Korkman, J., Geven, L., Bull, R., Cyr, M., Hershkowitz, I., Mäkelä, J. M., … & Volbert, R. (2023). White Paper on Forensic Child Interviewing: Research-based recommendations by the European Association of Psychology and Law. Psychology, Crime and Law.
Lim, C. C., Rutherford, B., Gartner, C., McClure-Thomas, C., Foo, S., Su, F. Y., … & Leung, J. (2024). A systematic review of second-hand smoking mass media campaigns (2002–2022). BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1-12.
Leung, J., Lim, C., McClure-Thomas, C., Foo, S., Sebayang, S., Farassania, G., … & Chan, G. C. (2023). Adolescent Exposure to Online Advertisements and Promotions for Tobacco Products on the Internet—A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Surveys. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(6), 1138-1144.
Rozi, N. A., Percaya, A. P., & Turnip, S. S. (2023). Adolescents’ Psychological Well-Being Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Internal and External Factors. Child Indicators Research, 1-22.
Sheehy, K., Vackova, P., van Manen, S., Turnip, S. S., Rofiah, K., & Twiner A. (2022). Inclusive disaster risk reduction education for Indonesian children. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1(1), 1-17.
McClure-Thomas, C., Lim, C., Sebayang, S.,Fausiah, F., Gouda, H., & Leung, J. (2022). Perceived Loneliness, Peer, and Parental Relationship With Smoking: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Adolescents Across South-East Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Chung, K. L., Ding, I. L., & Sumampouw, N. E. (2022). Police’s and victim care officers’ beliefs about memory and investigative interviewing with children: Survey findings from Malaysia. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(3), 573-580.
Valentia, S., & Turnip, S. S. (2022). Screening for emotional problems: Diagnostic accuracy of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire Indonesian version. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 103139.
Sumampouw, N. E., de Ruiter, C., & Otgaar, H. (2022). Potential for police investigator bias: the impact of child sexual abuse victims’ background characteristics on perceived statement credibility, case outcome and quality of interview questions. Police Practice and Research, 23(3), 370-387.
Hope, L., Anakwah, N., Antfolk, J., Brubacher, S. P., Flowe, H., Gabbert, F., … & Anonymous. (2021). Urgent issues and prospects at the intersection of culture, memory, and witness interviews: Exploring the challenges for research and practice. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 27(1), 1-31.
Monds, L. A., Cullen, H. J., Kloft, L., Sumampouw, N., van Golde, C., Harrison, A. W., & Otgaar, H. (2021). Police perceptions of eyewitness impairment due to alcohol and other drug use: A cross-cultural comparison. Police Practice and Research, 23(1), 34-49.
Luzanil, S. T., & Turnip, S. S. (2021). The strengths and difficulties questionnaire self-report: sensitivity and specificity testing to identify conduct problems in Indonesian adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research.
Sumampouw, N., Bjørndal, L. D., Magnussen, S., Otgaar, H., & Brennen, T. (2021). Knowledge about eyewitness testimony: a survey of Indonesian police officers and psychologists. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-15.