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Prof. Corrina D.S. Riantoputra, M.Com., Ph.D., Psikolog
Debora Eflina Purba, S.S., M.Si., Ph.D.
Dr. Endang Parahyanti, M.Psi., M.M., Psikolog
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Istiningtyas, L., Purba, D. E., Poerwandari, E. K., Takwin, B., & Milla, M. N. (2025). Systematic literature review on the theory of Social Embeddedness of Thriving at Work. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 51, 11.
Wahyu, A. M., & Salendu, A. (2024). Leader’s Motivating Language and Employee Voice Behavior: Exploring the Roles of Positive Emotional Culture as a Mediator and Procedural Justice Climate as a Moderator. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 19(2), 1-15.
Wojtczuk‐Turek, A., Turek, D., Edgar, F., Klein, H. J., Bosak, J., Okay‐Somerville, B., … & Karamustafa‐Köse, G. (2024). Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross‐cultural perspective from 54 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Hawa, N. I., Utari, D., & Parahyanti, E. (2024). Clean and healthy environmental behavior in terms of malnutrition and sanitation. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 10(2), 589-604.
Nindyati, A. D., Parahyanti, E., Hadi, C., & Pramestiyani, M. (2023). Collectivity and Affective Commitment a Private Company Employees in Indonesia: Diffident Silence as Moderator. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(12), 1-20.
Arista, N. I. D., Negoro, H. A., & Purba, D. E. (2023). Evaluation of willingness to pay and challenges to community empowerment in urban drinkable water. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management.
Gatari, E., Fleuren, B. P., Zijlstra, F. R., & Hülsheger, U. R. (2023). Sweet dreams are made of this: A person-centered approach toward understanding the role of sleep in chronic fatigue. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Mardianti, F., & Purba, D. E. (2023). Effects of citizen participation on urban water management based on socioeconomic factors. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 9(4), 915-932.
Natria, D., & Riantoputra, C. D. (2022). Employee accountability in Indonesia: The role of formalization, managerial monitoring behavior and perceived competence. Plos one, 17(12), 1-17.
Rizki, L. P., & Purba, D. E. (2022). Moderating effect of perceived remaining time in the relationship between job demands and job stress. Asian Academy of Management Journal.
Samian, Riantoputra, C. D., & Budihardjo, A. (2021). Why employees endorse abusive leaders: the role of trust. Human Resource Development International, 24(2), 133-150.
Suryaningrat, R. D., Mangunsong, F. M., & Riantoputra, C. D. (2020). Teachers’ aggressive behaviors: what is considered acceptable and why?. Heliyon, 6(10).
Riantoputra, C. D., & Muis, I. (2020). New insights on psychological factors for the development of women entrepreneurs in indonesia. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(2), 150-163.
Riasnugrahani, M., Riantoputra, C. D., Takwin, B., & Panggabean, H. (2019). Discerning work as a calling: The role of job crafting. The Career Development Quarterly, 67(4), 343-356.