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Dr. Dewi Maulina, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
Ir. Tri Tjahjono, M.Sc., Ph.D
Diandra Yasmine Irwanda, S.Psi., M.Sc.
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Maulina, D., Irwanda, D. Y., Guritnaningsih, Otgaar, H., Nurfajriah, D. S., Armas, L. O. M. A., & Dewi, A. I. (2024). Testing the efficacy of the cognitive interview to road traffic accident investigations. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1).
Maulina, D., Irwanda, D. Y., Audinia, S., Nandini, S. P., & Indirasari, D. T. (2023). How supplementary sign features can improve traffic safety among motorcyclists? The effect of capitalization and information length on road sign comprehension. Traffic injury prevention, 1-9.
Maulina, D., Irwanda, D. Y., Siregar, E. S., & Santoso, G. A. (2023). Motorcyclists’ risky riding scripts: Schematic representations of error and violation behavior. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 97, 347-366.
Maulina, D., Siregar, E. S., Rachma, T. A., & Nashria, S. A. (2022). How effective is training for improving traffic sign comprehension? Examining the interaction between training and sign type among motorcyclists. IATSS Research, 1-9.
Rangkuti, A. A., Royanto, L. R. R., & Santoso, G. A. (2022). Ethical awareness and peer reporting intention of exam cheating and plagiarism: Mediation role of ethical judgment. Issues in Educational Research, 32(3), 1111-1130.
Irwanda, D. Y., Maulina, D., Sekarmewangi, T. H., Putri, K. M. H., Otgaar, H., & Bücken, C. (2021). The effect of different delivery modes of misinformation on false memories in adolescents and adults. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 34(2), 208-216.
Maulina, D., Irwanda, D. Y., Sekarmewangi, T. H., Putri, K. M. H., & Otgaar, H. (2021). How accurate are memories of traffic accidents? Increased false memory levels among motorcyclists when confronted with accident-related word lists. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 80, 275-294.
Hakim, L. N., Santoso, G. A., Takwin, B., Sunitiyoso, Y., & Abraham, J. (2021). Group decision quality, conscientiousness and competition. Cogent Psychology, 8(1), 1-17.
Sari, R. L., & Seniati, A. N. L. (2020). The Role of Job Satisfaction as Mediator Between Work-life Balance and Organizational Commitment among Lecturers. Psychology and Education, 57(2), 106-110.
Suryanti, N., Bahar, A., Seniati, A. L., & Rahardjo, A. (2020). Development of an oral hygiene behavior questionnaire for adolescents based on the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Stomatology, 73(3), 129-135.